Cornwall College

Cornwall College is excited to launch Electric/Hybrid Vehicle training taking place at our brand new £1.2 million Electric Vehicle training centres at St Austell and Camborne. Our new training environments have been created in partnership with local business to ensure Cornwall is a leading provider of future EV Skills development.
Each Campus has been equipped with the latest technologies from the EV world with dedicated Electric Vehicle training workshops, Digital Learning Labs, a fleet of Electric training vehicles and new High Voltage tooling & equipment.
Training is complimented by the new Electude Virtual E-Learning platform that leads the way with solutions for Electric Vehicle training, bridging the gap between classroom knowledge and Workshop skills.
We offer a wide range of Electric Vehicle training courses available at both sites including:
- Level 1 Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Awareness:
- Level 2 Electric/Hybrid vehicle Hazard Management for Emergency and Recovery Personnel:
- Level 2/3 Electric/Hybrid Vehicle System Repair and Replacement:
- Level 4 Diagnosis, Testing and Repair of Electric/Hybrid Vehicles and Components
- HV Electric Vehicle Battery pack
- Level 3 Award in the Requirements for the installation of Electric Vehicle Charging points
Cornwall College is an Approved IMI TechSafe Centre
Bookings now available from January 2023, for more information or to speak with one of our EV team contact